COMMENCEMENT - MAY 13, 2017 The 180th West Liberty University May Commencement featuring student speaker Alex L. Gordon and guest speaker Glenn Elliott
WatchGraduate Student Orientation 2023 For all incoming graduate students who need to know the basic information about West Liberty University.
Watch2007 ALUMNI WALL OF HONOR - Clip Featuring inductees Linda K. Toops Lemasters ('65), John A. Zavalney ('77), and Larry W. Moreland ('79)
WatchWOMEN'S BASKETBALL - Freshman Corrine Thomas give s the Lady Toppers the lead with this 3pt - WV STATE - DECEMBER 14, 2019 BASKETBALL - Freshman Corrine Thomas give s the Lady Toppers the lead with this 3pt
WatchWLU Men's Basketball B-E-A-utiful pass from McKinney to Hazelbaker WLU Men's Basketball B-E-A-utiful pass from McKinney to Hazelbaker
WatchWest Liberty vs UVA-Wise February 1, 2018 WLUTV-14 Student Crew Production with announcers Todd Ullom and Kyle Patrick