Connected Classroom 9.0 - 10:30am - July 26, 2023 Where Does Artificial Intelligence Fit in the Classroom?- Presented by Merilee Madera
WatchConnected Classroom 2.0 - February 23, 2021 Transition Tools and Grouping Strategies - Presented by Kathleen Wack
WatchCAMPUS ACTIVITIES - CARNIVAL ON THE QUAD 2018 Campus Activities - Carnival on the Quad 2018 - Produced by WLU Marketing
WatchWLU FOUNDATION - ALCO FENCE MARCHING BAND THANK YOU A thank you to Alco Fence for their sponsorship and support of the West Liberty University Marching Hilltoppers.
WatchConnected Classroom 9.0 - 9:00am - June 22, 2023 Creative Ways to Make and Use Maps in the Classroom - Presented by Lou Karas