EPIDEMIC-SEASON 1-EPISODE 2-AUGUST 2018 On this episode Jessica talks with Wheeling Police Chief, Shawn Schwertfeger, Paramedic, Tom Haluscak and recovering addict Shannalee Kuri.
WatchLIFESTYLES OF A HILLTOPPER - EPISODE 2 Lifestyles of a Hilltopper featuring alumni Dr. Gerald Crabtree, Elizabeth Feinler, and student Lucas Dvoracek
WatchCOMMENCEMENT - MAY 9, 2015 The 178th West Liberty University May Commencement. Featuring student speaker Samual A. Miller and guest speaker Kristina A. Williams
WatchMen’s Basketball – West Liberty vs Notre Dame College February 27, 2019 WLU-TV 14 student production crew along with announcers Kyle Patrick and E.J. Schodzinski