WatchConnected Classroom 9.0 - 10:30am - June 28, 2023 Makerspace Overload - Presented by Sarah Durzo
WatchPRESIDENT'S RECOGNITION DINNER - OCTOBER 11, 2019 President's Recognition Dinner honoring Fred Kinder and Rich Lucas.
WatchConnected Classroom 2.1-April 14, 2021 The Warhol Museum’s GenZ Time Capsule Digital Project - Presented by Nicole Denzelon and Heather White
WatchWOMEN'S BASKETBALL - WLU's Brunner another 3pt to give herself 18 pts BASKETBALL - WLU's Brunner another 3pt to give herself 18 pts
Watch4th Place Cardin Beal - Times Ticken Genre: Adventure Film Prop: Alarm Clock Character: Student Line of Dialogue: "That was unexpected"
WatchATHLETIC TRAINING CLASS MOCK INJURY The College of Education and Human Performance teams up with the Department of Theatre for a mock injury scenerio.