WatchPA 520 Physical Diagnosis I - Lecture Skin, hair and nails part 2 - July 23, 2024 Jennifer Childers MSPAS, PA-C
WatchSpeak Up 4 Mental Health - Devon Sleeth Devon Sleeth survived suicidal thoughts, depression, panic disorder and an unspecified eating disorder. This photographer, barista, and…
WatchCOMMENCEMENT - DECEMBER 14, 2019 The 183rd West Liberty University December 2019 Commencement featuring student speaker Robert C. Moore and guest speaker Dr. Sarah…
WatchWOMEN'S BASKETBALL - Taylor Johnson takes the extra pass from Liv Belknap and drills the 3pt - WV STATE - DECEMBER 14, 2019 BASKETBALL - Taylor Johnson takes the extra pass from Liv Belknap and drills the 3pt