Connected Classroom 6.0 - 9:00am - July 7, 2022 Making It Personal: Digital Citizenship Activities and Skills in the Classrooms - Presented by Ana Klemm and Zak Klemm
WatchMEN'S BASKETBALL - WLU VS WV WESLEYAN - Boswell ties the game with 12.9 seconds to play BASKETBALL - WLU VS WV WESLEYAN - Boswell ties the game with 2.9 seconds to play
WatchTopper Station Play of the Game - 11/8/19 - Morgan Bruner with the STEAL and the THREE. A Topper Station Production
WatchWOMEN'S BASKETBALL - WLU's Brunner another 3pt to give herself 18 pts BASKETBALL - WLU's Brunner another 3pt to give herself 18 pts
WatchFOUNDERS DAY PRESENTATION - MARCH 30, 2012 Founder's Day Presentation as a part of the WLU 175th Anniversary celebration.